ups delivery transport tycoon

UPS Delivery Transport Tycoon

Welcome back, today we’ll see the UPS Delivery specialized job on Transport Tycoon. Without further ado let’s get started!

As we do for other jobs you have to drive down to the location of the employment center. That’ll be located in the north of LS.tycoon delivery ups transport

When you’re there, walk into the orange blip. A new menu will open up, select the voice: “UPS Delivery” with your arrows. Once you’ve done that walk the stairs up and enter the white blip. UPS Delivery is not like other jobs, where you receive a random task and you have to simply follow it. But, you can choose what route you want to follow, and get some more money. We recommend you choose the route you like, and the one which gives you the best paycheck.

Now with the truck drive backword to the loading zone indicated on the map with a small red circle. Note, don’t drive to close to the loading zone, otherwise, you’re gonna have some issues with loading the truck. Go into the white blip and press E and go to the back of the truck and press E again to load. When the truck is fully loaded go to the destination you like.

ups tycoon delivery transport

ups delivery tycoon transport_

Once you’ve reached the destination unload the cargo you need by pressing E to move 10 at once. One cargo will award you with 0.25 exp in Trucking, Player, Strength, PostOP, and from 15k to 35k.

And that’s it, this job is one of the best because it gives you a lot of cash and 4 different skills. If you want you can join our ingame faction and our discord to find other people to play with. If you want to know more about trucking or post op you can check this guide out: trucking, postop. Hope you now know all you need and see you in the next guide

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer