farmer transport tycoon

Farmer Basics Transport Tycoon

New players will find the farmer job on transport tycoon nasty, that’s why today I’m going to explain to you guys how to do the farmer job on transport tycoon properly. Without any further ado, let’s get started!


As we are used to do for other jobs, you need to get the actual job, so to achieve this, simply drive to a job center job center and select the voice: “Farmer”. Once you’ve done that we recommend you buy a tractor it’ll cost about 55k. To do the job you won’t necessarily have one, because they usually spawn on the farm.

Now that you have all you need you can go either to Paleto Bay or Grapeseed. Here you’ll be able to see two orange tractors. Those points are the on-duty / off-duty blips farmer on duty transport tycoon. Get with your car to the nearest garage and spawn the Tractor. Drive to those points and get on duty by pressing E while standing in it. Once you’re on duty buy one piece of land, make sure that’s grain land, therefore if it’s the first time you won’t be able to harvest anything.


Now with the tractor get a “Hopper” farmer trailer transport tycoon, that’s basically a trailer where you can put all the grain you harvest. With that drive to the land, you’ve just bought. The tractor is ready, spawn a bicycle by holding B, and then with the mouse move over to “Spawn a bicycle”. With the bicycle get over to a “Spawn a Harvester” and press E while standing in it. With the harvester get back to the land you own. Once you’re there press G and make sure that the writings in the bottom left are green and at the beginning, it’s written “(lowered)”. That means you can start harvesting the grain, by moving inside the land you’ll get some grain.

transport tycoon farmer

You won’t need to drive thru all the land, you can simply drive in a circle. Once the harvester’s trunks is full it will automatically unload it leaving behind a big yellow circle. Now leave the harvester and get back into the tractor. Drive with the trailer in the middle of the big yellow circle in order to load it there.  When the trailer is full go ahead and sell the grain at the seller’s point Grain Silos transport tycoon. That will pay you about 40k each time.

transport farmer tycoon

That’s all about the basics of the Farmer job on Transport Tycoon, in under a week you’ll see a more advanced guide for more expert players. If you like you can join our discord server and our in-game faction to find someone else to play with.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer