
IAA Delivery Transport Tycoon

IAA Delivery specialized job on Transport Tycoon is not the best specialized job, but can be very useful to get some xp in strength in a new account.

As we do for another specialized job you’ve to drive down to Sandy Shores where the big antennas are located. You should see a yellow cone in front of the entrance. Go in it and press E to enter the IAA facility. When you’re inside of it just walk and pass the metal detector. Now you should be able to see the Job Selector and the Market, where you can buy the Coffees and the Documents. Walk into the job selector and select the voice: “IAA Delivery”.


Once you have the job, walk into the market blip and buy some coffee and some documents. The ratio is 1:4. After a while, you’ll get the first task. Walk there and go into the yellow blip. The game will automatically deliver all the coffee and the documents. You’ll be awarded some exp and cash.


Do this over and over to get a lot of xp and task. We don’t recommend doing this job because you won’t get a lot of cash and xp. Anyway, this guide about IAA Delivery specialized job on Transport Tycoon is over. Hope you now know the basics of how to do this properly. Remember that we have our own discord server and ingame faction, join them if you wish to play with other people. If you want to max the strength skill soon you can check the trucking guide here.

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