personnel railway empire

Personnel Railway Empire

In the second or third mission on Railway Empire, you unlock the possibility to hire some personnel, Train Personnel, Office Personnel, and freelancers. Let’s see how they can affect the game.

Train Personnel

Train personnel on Railway Empire is the basic staff that every train should have. Such as guards, machinists,  engineers, and conductors. As you can see from the image every applicant has a level, a percentage of effectiveness, and how much it costs to hire it. So every applicant can affect you train in a different way, with this i mean that the engineer can prevent the train to broke 20-30-40% times. The conductor can make the train go faster, the guard can prevent robbers and increase incomes.

train personnel railway empire

Office Personnel

Office personnel is a bit different from the train one. After you hire the applicant you need to manually assign it to a station. Office personnel can be, Chief engineers, trainmasters, accountants, and surveyors. Each of them can help you in a different way. For example, the accountants may help you when bidding in an auction and make you pay 20-30% less than others.

office personnel railway empireFreelancers

Freelancers on Railway Empire are the “criminal” part of the game. Here you can hire all the sorts of people, from the bandit to the head hunter. But here you can find some people which can help you out, like Promoters. When you buy some bad guy a menu will open up asking what he needs to do. For example the bandit will ask you who he should attack, how the attack will happen, and the place (city), of maybe the headhunter, where he needs to go and which position he needs to.

freelancer personnel railway empire


And that’s all. Personnel on Railway Empire is pretty easy to understand. Soon a new guide about the economy. Remember to join our discord server here and have fun while making some train tracks, and if you are having issues with that check this guide out!

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