flyie boi collinsco transport tycoon

Flyie Boi Collinsco Transport Tycoon

So, you’ve been accepted into the CollinsCo company, and you don’t know how to do the Flyie Boi job on Transport Tycoon. That’s the reason why today I’m here explaining to you guys how to do this job properly.

In order to get the job, you’ve to press M > Manage Company > Flyie Boi. This will give you the job, and the possibility to buy the CollinsCo aircraft. Now get to the nearest Aircraft Shop aircraft shops and buy the best CollinsCo aircraft you can. The last step will be to spawn the aircraft and get to the red icon on your map. Here if you press E you can start the route. So, press E.

flyie collinsco boi transport tycoon

Right after you’ve pressed E, the passengers will board the aircraft. This will take about 60 seconds. After all the passengers are on board takeoff, following the ATC rules, and get to the destination. While you are taking off if you are going more than 40 you can press Y to enable the autopilot. If you enable the autopilot you’ll get to 1000′ sooner and you’ll travel faster.

flyie transport collinsco boi tycoon

When you’re approaching the desired airport land, obviously following the ATC rules and taxi to the designed terminal. When you’re in the blip press E to unboard instantly the passengers and board new passengers. The boarding phase will always be 60 seconds.

Finishing one route as Flyie Boi of the CollinsCo company on Transport Tycoon will give you 60 vouchers, and some exp in airline pilot and player. The vouchers can be turned in by talking to a CoCo manager.

And that’s all about the Collinsco Flyie Boi on Transport Tycoon, remember that this job requires you to be in the CollinsCo company and be at least level 20 in Airline Pilot. If you wish to play with others make sure to join our discord and ingame faction, we’re gonna have some events soon.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer