transport tycoon atc guide

ATC Guide Transport Tycoon

When you spawn an airplane a warning shows up saying that you must use ATC, but what is actually ATC? In this guide, you will find everything you need to know about ATC on transport Tycoon.

Firstly ATC stands for Air Traffic Control. Basically, ATC is who manages the aircraft in their airspace. Here is a picture of the ATC main menu.

atc main menù


In order to take off, you need to taxi to the designated runway. Small airplanes have to use the Jet runway or the Side one. Once you taxied to the runway press TAB and the ATC menu should open on the left side of your screen. Now the menu automatically detects the airport you are in, so press ENTER to select the first one. If the ATC doesn’t detect the correct airport just use the up and down arrow to switch to the correct airport. When you have decided which airport you’re in, you can choose which runway to use. If you didn’t messed up with settings you should see some white lines at the border of the runway and in the middle a 3d text saying what runway is like 3L/33R Side. Once you have chosen which runway to use just press ENTER to make that runway reserved for you. Here you will have from 1 minute to 20 secs to takeoff. If the chosen runway is occupied just wait a few secs and you will be ready to clear yourself. Here is another pic of what airport menu will look like.

atc airport menu


So, you are up in the air approaching the desired airport, what to do? First, open up ATC with TAB and select the right airport, select the runway where you want to land, and press ENTER to make that runway reserved only for you. Note that small airplanes will have less time than bigger ones. Once you landed just taxi to the terminal and you are done.

Different colors mean different things:

As you may notice all the runways will have two white lines at the side and 3d text in the middle. These can be in three different colors:

  • White: the runway ain’t reserved for someone
  • Green: the runway is reserved only for you
  • Red: the runway is reserved for someone else. Do not land!

And that’s all for ATC guide on Transport Tycoon, remember that using ATC is mandatory while doing Airline Pilot, Cargo Pilot jobs. If you don’t staff will take action about you.

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