fisherman transport tycoon

Fisherman Transport Tycoon

The Fisherman job on Transport Tycoon is one of the jobs that will get you more time. Anyway, let’s go ahead and see what you need to get started!

Prep Phase

As other jobs require, you need to go to the Job Center job center and select the voice “Fisherman”. With that done, you need to drive to the nearest Watercraft Dealership only located in the south of LS. When you’re there, we recommend you buy the Sailboat, the cost will be about 5Mil, but it’s worth the price. Once you’ve bought the boat spawn it at any Watercraft Garage. If you don’t have enough money you can start doing the fisherman on a river, the one located at the bottom of Paleto Bay.


Now that you have the bzoat drive to one of the fishing zones Fish_Zone. After a few minutes of navigation, you’ll be on the spot. Exit watercraft and then press the key “,” or “.” to throw the anchor. At this moment the boat should be standing still, and you’ll be able to fish.

In order to fish you need to get out of your boat and press E. After a few seconds, a new fish should get trapped into the hook, you’ll notice this because a new “game” will popup on top of the screen. When the fish will be on the hook press E again when the bar is green. The little yellow bar underneath it means how many seconds you have left.

transport tycoon fisherman

Gut knifes

Once you have enough fish go to a Market(Fishing/Diving) and buy a Gut Knife. While gutting some fish you have 1% chance to transform it into an evolved version of it: Autotronic – guts any fish independently of the levels and double speed while gutting, Tiger Tooth – double speed of Autotrinic, Weightless – Five times fast as the Tiger Tooth and no weight, Grinder – guts instantly when you have a fish.

Net Fishing – Pots

After you achieve level 30 of fishing you’ll be able to use the nets. There are 5 locations for that. With your boat navigate on those points Net_Fish_Zoneand you’ll see smaller circles in it, just drive in and press E to get the nets. One big thing is that you can fish while doing something else, this can be done with Pots. There are two types of pots:

  • Crab Pots – You’ll get more Meat, but a smaller amount of EXP
  • Lobster Pots – You’ll get more EXP, and less EXP

Pots can be bought at any Market(Fishing/Diving), they will cost about 1 skill level token. Remember that you can only have 40 pots active at the same time. After the pots are ready you have 24hrs to get them out of the water.

This is all about Fisherman Job on Transport Tycoon, remember that you can always make an order on GrindersCo and use the code “GaTu20” for a 20% discount. Note that you have to dm the GrindersCo’s bot with the code do not put the code into the additional info. If you want you can check out this guide about Wildlife hunter.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer