how to speedrun factorio

How to Factorio Speedrun

In a previous guide we’ve seen how to set up everything in order to speedrun, however in this guide I’ll cover how to speedrun on factorio.

World Settings

So, in order to get the best out of the world you have to:

  • Put the pollution ratio to 0.
  • Starting area size to max
  • Put the peaceful mode on, to prevent biters from coming in and do stuff to your base. (Doing this will change the possibility to achieve the “There is no spoon” achievement)
  • You can change the size of the resource, the amount of resource, and the rarity of it.

Now once you have the right settings generate the map and see, how much the resources are spread. A good world needs to have all the resources near each other, like water, copper, iron, and coal. Oil can be a bit further. Important thing is to make sure that the world multiplayer, by doing this when you open the research three the game won’t pause.


Use the hotbar! While doing a speedrun going every two seconds to the hotbar to get a specific item can lead to a huge loss of time. This can be avoided by using the shortcuts: from the number 1 to the number 9 you can access the hotbar.
Back in the days, there was only one hotbar, but now we have more than one. We recommend using more than one set of hotbar, therefore you can have more configurations, in the first hotbar you have all the raw materials, in the second you have belts, poles, and so on.


Knowing the ratios of factorio is important since while speedrunning you cannot lose time because you don’t know ratios and you craft 3-4 assemblers more than needed. If you don’t know how ratio on factorio works you can check this guide out to know more.

Think when you build

Refactoring even a small part of the factory can be the worst thing you can do while speedrunning. This can be avoided by thinking when you build a new factory.


Some speedruns don’t allow the imports of blueprints, however, when you are ingame you can create your own one. If you are interested in blueprints you can take a look at this guide.

And that’s it. Since I’m not a speedrunner that’s the best I can give you guys on how to speedrun on factorio. If any of you wants to improve this guide let me know in the comments or in our discord. In the next guide, we’ll see the rules and how to make a right speedrun.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer