fivem developer mode

Fivem Developer mode

Knowing if your resource is taking more resources than expected is an important thing so today you’ll learn how to enable the developer mode on fivem! Let’s get started!


In order to have the chance to enable the developer mode on fivem you need to play on a non-production build (Canary). This can be checked briefly by opening the CitizenFX.ini, which is located in the fivem application data folder.

Enabling Dev Mode

So, we’ve just seen the requirements of the developer mode on fivem, now let’s talk about how to enable it. Locate the fivem folder, which can be done by right-clicking the icon on your desktop or where ever it is. Once you’re in the folder click on the bar of the file explorer and type “cmd”. Press enter and the command prompt should open in that folder. If it doesn’t open the prompt in the folder, open it manually and navigate into the fivem folder. Here run:

FiveM.exe +set moo 31337

This command will open fivem in the dev mode so you can run:

resmon 1

Here you can see how much each resource is occupying the pc. If your resource is taking more than you expect you need to optimize the code. Here you maybe need to see the logic of your script, or maybe the amount of calls that are done by the server and the client. Or maybe by making the thread wait more if there is the possibility to.

And this is all about how to open fivem in developer mode. Hope you now know that your server is kinda shit, under the performance tab and you can fix it so people with shitty pc can play. If you need help with creating an NUI  you can check this guide out or if you have some issues with the fxmanifest check this guide.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer