factorio speedrun setup

Factorio Speedrun Setup

Here is the thing: you want to start speedrunning on factorio, but you don’t know how. Hopefully, you’ve landed here, and you’ll find how to setup factorio for speedrun. Without any further ado, let’s get started!

Installing OBS or Streamlabs

The first step will be installing obs, streamlabs, or any other recording/streaming application. I won’t cover how to install those two applications in this guide, since is really easy to do so.

Installing LiveSplit

If you’ve watched a speedrun of factorio or any other games, you’ve noticed that in the top left/right corner there is a counter with all the objectives. That thing is an application, you can download it here. Once you’ve finished downloading it, extract it into a new folder. Note, you need to put the zip file in a folder otherwise you will have a lot of file on your desktop or any other folder. Now run the .exe file to open the timer.

Setting up LiveSplit

Now that you have opened livesplit you can customize your own objectives by pressing right click with your mouse over the window. Click on “Edit Splits” to edit them. You can find a preset file here 

factorio setup speedrun

Here you can add or remove any split you like.

Adding a split

To add a split simply click “Insert Above”. Now edit as you like the split, with an icon, and name. To adjust the position using the buttons labeled: “Move up” or “Move down” to get the split in the right position.

Livesplit commands

  • Start / Split – Numpad1
  • Reset – Numpad3
  • Undo split – Numpad4
  • Skip Split – Numpad2

Adding livesplit to OBS

The last thing you need to do in order to have a full setup factorio speedrun hud is to add the source to OBS. This can be done by clicking the “+” icon. Here click “Window Capture”. Now select the window: “LiveSplit”. Once you’ve done that move or resize the window as you link, and you are ready to go.

And that’s all you need in order to setup factorio for speedruns. Rember that we have our own discord server where you can find other people who are passionate about factorio. If you are intrested in how to use trains here is a full guide.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer