Valorant Aim

Basic Aim Guide Valorant

Since Valorant is a Tactical FPS game the most important thing you need to learn is how to aim properly.That being said, like many other things, you will need to practice. It is possible to play it as a casual game tho, but if you really want to improve you will need to put some hours of practice in it. Let’s start with some simple tips that will improve your aim in Valorant:

Check regularly your Crosshair Position

To begin with, one of the most important things that will improve your aim overall is the “Crosshair Position”. You have to make sure to have your crosshair on the heights of the enemies head. An easy trick you can use to improve your crosshair positioning is to check every now and then during your games the height you’re aiming at and adjusting it when is not at the correct height.

Understanding Gun Recoils

Another important thing is to understand the recoil basics of this game. While firing with full auto weapons the first couple shots will be on target but as you continue shooting they’ll begin to rise above your crosshair position, after reaching a certain point in height it will stop rising upward and will begin drifting to the left and to the right in a randomized way. To prevent the recoil you will need to pull slightly down your crosshair as you spray, keeping the bullets on the level of the head. Each weapon has a different spray pattern (different fire rate and recoil height) so we recommend you to learn only a few guns.

 Which Rifle To Choose?



Better for Tapping

Constant damage at every distance

One-shot in the head at every distance


Slower fire rate

harder to control

Bad spray transfer



Faster rate of fire

Easier to control

Better spray transfer


Damage reduction at 15 to 30 and from 30 to 50 meter range

Overall we suggest you to use the Vandal since it has a 100% chance to kill if you hit the head.

Counter Strafing

Lastly, keep in mind that while moving your accuracy is decreased drastically. Try always to stop moving before shooting. This process is called counter strafing. While moving towards a direction to stop your character from moving in a faster way rather than only releasing the moving key you click the opposite key (A-D or W-S) and so your character will stop moving sooner giving you precious time to shoot first the enemy. Since this technique will require you practice to master and to know how to properly aim  we recommend you to start from the basics (crosshair position & spray control)


Thats all for the Valorant Aim Guide. Remember that we have our own discord server where you can find other players to play and have fun with