server repair transport tycoon

Server Repair Transport Tycoon

Full guide about Server Repair specialized job on Transport Tycoon, here you’ll be able to learn all thing you need to know. Let’s jump straight into it!

As we do for another specialized job you’ve to drive down to the NOOSE headquarters. You should see a yellow cone in front of the entrance. Go in it and press E to enter the NOOSE Headquarters. When you’re inside of it just walk the small bridge and on the left side will be the job selector. Now walk inside of the Job Selector and select the voice: “Server Repair”. On the right side, you should be able to see the Market, where you can buy the server parts, and some other components.

transport tycoon server repair

Once you have the job, walk into the market blip and buy all the components you need. After a while, you’ll get the first task. Walk there and go into the yellow blip. The game will automatically use all the components. You’ll be awarded some exp and cash. The total cash you make is about 50-70k for each task.

transport server tycoon repair

And that’s it, this guide about Server Repair on Transport Tycoon is over, we recommended doing this job for all players who need money quickly. You only need to make a small investment to get big cash. If you like you can join our discord and our ingame faction. If you are interested in making a lot of cash check the firefighter guide out.


About rikk228js

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