EA with a recent update on Apex Legends just modified the ranking system. In this guide, I’ll show you how this new ranking system works. Let’s get started!
Starting off, we have to say that the Battle Royal ranking system on Apex Legends is shit. For a few reasons:
- The game doesn’t reward good players but only players that have more time to play ranked
- Every split you get downgraded.
- The game doesn’t reward players that play in their rank. Suppose someone is diamond once they get there maybe they’re going to smurf.
However, here is the picture of the in-game ranking page

So in this screenshot, we can see 7 different ranks:
- Bronze (0 RP).
- Silver (1200 RP).
- Gold (2400 RP).
- Platinum (4800 RP)
- Diamond (7200 RP)
- Master (10000 RP)
- Apex Predator (Top 750 players)
As an instance, we have 4 sub-division for each rank until Master. Master and predator don’t have sub-divisions. Each rank has an entry RP cost, which means if you want to play platinum you have to “pay” 36 RP.
How to gain RP?
In order to gain RP you need to place in the highest position and have about 6-9 kills. For the placement you’ll earn:
- 5 RP being 13-11th
- 10 RP being 10-9th
- 20 RP being 8-7th
- 30 RP being 6th
- 45 RP being 5th
- 55 RP being 4th
- 70 RP being 3rd
- 95 RP being 2nd
- 125 RP being 1st
Kills now work in a different way: if you kill someone that’s 3 ranks less than you, you’ll earn 10 points. If you kill someone that’s one tier difference you’ll earn 2 points more or 2 points less than 10. 5 points will be taken if you kill someone that’s 2 tiers different than you. Last but not least if you kill someone that’s three tiers different than you, you’ll earn 10 kill if it’s higher, -7 if it’s lower. For example, you are gold, you kill a silver you’ll get 8 points. For instance, if you kill a platinum you’ll get 12 points.
Now supposing you understand that let’s see how many points/kill you get from placement.
- 1 RP for 10-6th place
- 5 RP for 5-4th place
- 8 RP for 3rd place
- 11 RP for 2nd place
- 15 RP for 1st place
That means if you have 2 kills and you place 2nd you’ll get 2 (Kills) * 10 (RP) + 2 (Kills ) * 11 (Game boost) RPs. That will be 44 RPs only counting the kills. If we add the position we’ll be at 139 RPs.
I played some time ago and now I’m bronze wth?
Don’t worry Apex Legends Ranking System is bad and every split you’ll get downgraded with 1 tier and 2 divisions. For example, if you were Diamond 4, in one split you should be Gold 2, next split or season you’ll be Bronze 1.
As I said at the beginning Apex Legends Ranking System ain’t the best system to rank for a variety of reasons. My advice is to play ranked if you enjoy playing them and if you have a lot of time.