land surveyor transport tycoon

Land Surveyor Transport Tycoon

Welcome back, today we’ll see the Land Surveyor specialized job on Transport Tycoon. This job is pretty easy, and as a consequence, accessible to every one, since you are only required to drive. Without saying any other words let’s see how this job works.


So, the first thing to do is get the actual job. Doing this is easy, just drive your car to the east side of LS where the oil pumps are located. There you’ll be able to see the specialized job icon, get there and walk into the blip. Once you’re in the blip select the voice: “Land Surveyor”, and right after that, a new icon should appear in the minimap, as well as the surveyor car.

surveyor tycoon land transport


We’ve just seen how to get the job, now let’s take a look at how to do the actual job. So, get into the surveyor car, and follow the ingame instruction to get a new assignment. Right after you get the task, drive around and see in which direction one of the distances gets lower. When the distance lowers, means that you are driving in the direction of the location, so keep driving. Once the distance is less than 80m slow down, otherwise you’re gonna get away from the destination. When you’re on the spot press G to deploy the surveying thing and H to stabilize tycoon surveyor transport

Right after you’ve deployed the stabilizer the machines will automatically start doing their job, here you can take a coffee break 😉. After 10-15 seconds you can retract the stabilizers and the machines by pressing H and then G. Now you’ll be awarded one skill level token and 80 strength bonus xp, which can be converted into strength token xp. Once you’ve done all four locations the game will reward you with 320 strength bonus xp, and 2 skill level tokens, for a total of 620 strength bonus exp, and 6 skill level tokens.

And this is it, the Land Surveyor specialized job on Transport Tycoon is pretty easy and accessible to everyone. If you wish to play with other players join our discord and in-game faction. You can use those tokens with trucking, mining, cargo pilot, and some others.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer