apex legends ranked not initialized

Apex Legends Fix Ranked not Initialized, Try Restarting the game

Hi there every one today we see a method to fix the current glich on Apex legends to play ranked matched: “Ranked not initialized, try restarting the game”.

To fix this issue and play the ranked lobbies you have to:

  1. make a friend of yours invite into the party (which means you are not the leader), then put a public mach.
  2. Next step: everyone make ready. Now the leader changes the current gamemode into ranked.
  3. Leader’s gonna ready up and you are going to queue up for the competitive matches.

That’s all the effort you have to put into this, if you go back to the lobby you have to repeat the process. We advise you to use the ingame queue to avoid this stupid process. With that we concluded this guide about fixing the Ranked not initialized, try restarting the game on apex legends, if you want to learn how to tap strafe on apex (very important) you can do it on this guide.

About rikk228js

Developer - Writer